Stranger Things Shadow Box Build

This project started like all of mine seem too...with me messing around on pinterest and seeing a photo of something that gets my mind racing. The original photo was a simple silhouette with real Hawkins on top and the upside down. The photo was made by alcateiaart, an artist out of Brazil.

What really drew me to the photo was the clear depth it had while remaining simplistic. When creating my shadow box version, I did not utilize the outlines for the characters here. I decided to use a more active movement of characters on bikes in Hawkins and Running in the upside down.

I brought this photo into Sketchbook on my iPad Pro and proceeded to create the layers I wanted to create the depth. I brought those layers into Gimp for sizing and then I brought it all over to Inkscape to make the proper file for my glowforge.

After many house of resin pouring, here are some process shots and the final project. A full instructable, build files, as well as a youtube video will be up soon!

Here is a list of materials used in this build with links to buy them yourself on amazon:


Breath of the Wild Resin Stained Glass Panels


Legend of Zelda – Breath of the Wild Shadow Box